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A change in the weather

A good selection of birds around today despite the showers and grey cloud

A good selection of birds around today despite the showers and grey cloud, which thankfully parted a little this afternoon to give some sunny spells.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Three Green Sandpiper were on the Tack Piece this morning along with a Redshank before all were chased off by an Avocet. The Avocet pair here have two fledged juveniles and are very protective over the space. Also on the scrape shoreline were a Wigeon, 14 Gadwall and two Lapwing.

Estuary Tower
A Garganey was on the Long Ground Pool this morning with the Mallard and five Tufted Duck. Out on the Dumbles were a Redshank with a chick and a brood of four Shelducklings on the scrape in front of the hide. A further 111 Shelduck were on the river with at least 72 Curlew. The hybrid Ruddy Shelduck flew north over Tack Piece and was later seen on the South Lake.

South Lake
Counts this morning included a brood of three Gadwall ducklings, three Lapwing, a brood of Tufted Duck, 60 Coot who will be moulting here in the coming weeks, seven Oystercatcher all arguing and flying around, the male Ruff, the pair of Little Ringed Plover on the nest, four Green Sandpiper, eight Teal, three Shoveler plus a brood of ducklings, 37 Avocet including 17 juveniles and a single chick. One the deep lake were a drake Pochard, two Little Grebe and 52 Gadwall.

Zeiss Hide
The Great Egret was showing well towards the Van de Bovenkamp Hide. Out on the muddy margins were two Wood Sandpiper, a flock of 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 10 Redshank, 23 Lapwing and three Oystercatcher. Duck included four Garganey, 40 Teal, five broods of Shelduck, two broods of Gadwall and an additional eight adults.

Rushy Hide
A new brood of ten Gadwall ducklings were on the lower pond this morning along with our Little Ringed Plover pair with 2 chicks and the second pair on their nest plus another adult, so five adults in total. Also of note were two Oystercatcher, 11 adult Avocet with six chicks and two juveniles, 12 Gadwall, a drake eclipse plumage Mandarin, 12 Tufted Duck plus three females with broods of ducklings and a drake Teal.

Middle Point / Summer Walkway
Two Raven were seen this morning, the Grasshopper Warbler was still reeling and additional birds for the estuary included an Avocet and four Oystercatcher. Four Little Egret and three Grey Heron were on the paleochannel in the field. Sadly their have been no reports of the Bluethroat today.

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