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A chill in the air

It was a cold start this morning but with a slight east in the wind over the weekend we may see a few more arrivals.

It was a cold start this morning but with a slight east in the wind over the weekend we may see a few more arrivals.

Kingfisher Hide
All 22 White-fronted Geese were on the Bottom New Piece this morning, both the Russian and Greeland races.

Zeiss Hide
Birds noted this morning included 18 Redshank, 2 Ruff, a single Knot, 800+ Teal, 14 Dunlin, a Golden Plover and the first-winter Spotted Redshank. The flock of 8 Pink-footed Geese were still on the Dumbles with the Canada Goose flock.

South Lake
The wader scrape held 161 Knot and 570 Black-tailed Godwit this morning along with a single Ruff and 3 Dunlin. Duck from the hide included 169 Shoveler, 10 Pochard and 99 Tufted Duck.

Rushy Hide
The two Bewick's Swans were again in for the feed this morning along with 198 Tufted Duck, 91 Shelduck, 67 Pintail and 80 Pochard.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Most of the Wigeon on the reserve have moved here today with a total of at least 557 birds present with several hundred Teal on the Tack Piece.

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