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A chilly Friday

A pair of Goldeneye arrived on the deep lake of the South Lake mid-morning and were a nice treat.  The species is less than annual on the reserve, with adult males even scarcer.  Otherwise it was a rather cold start with many of the shallower waterbodies frozen over and ducks crammed into tight groups on the remaining open water, or heading towards the river.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Five Cranes were on the Tack Piece this morning along with 320+ Wigeon.  This afternoon the flood water gathering in the corner of the field from the pump held 21 Ruff, 12 Redshank, 21 Snipe, 100+ Dunlin and a Curlew.

Holden Tower

A pair of Peregrine were out on the cross fence again, a flock of 11 Cranes were on the Dumbles and 200+ Curlew flew up river.

Zeiss Hide

A small number of Teal were on the unfrozen area of water to the south of the hide and 21 Ruff were roosting on the islands

Kingfisher Hide

The White-fronted Geese flock was on the Four Score (field to left of nesting bank) and appears to have increased again to 133 birds.

Rushy Hide

A total of 99 Bewick’s Swans were on the pond this morning ahead of the feed, with late news from yesterday being an extra 4 birds bringing us to 104 birds in all.  Over 130 birds have been recorded on the reserve so far this season thanks to their unique bill patterns.

South Lake Hides

A ever increasing flock of Lapwing were crammed on the island in the middle of the frozen wader scrape.  At first 207 birds were present, more arrived bringing the flock to 289 and then more arrived taking us over 300.  The deep lake was one of the few patches of open water and was busy with birds including 88 Shoveler, 141 Tufted Duck, 89 Pochard, 4 Wigeon, 3 Pintail, 86 Shelduck, the Great Crested Grebe and numerous Teal and Mallard.  On the causeway keeping one eye on a Great Black-backed Gull and the Herring Gull flock were 12 Black-tailed Godwits and the Oystercatcher.

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