A cold start to the day

Temperatures dropped overnight to below freezing leaving many of the waterbodies around the reserve at least partially frozen

Temperatures dropped overnight to below freezing leaving many of the waterbodies around the reserve at least partially frozen.

Van de Bovenkamp Hide
The flock of 132 White-fronted Geese were in the Tin Shed Ground this morning with Greylags, occasionally joined by hundreds of Lapwing and Golden Plover that are being continually displaced by a hunting Peregrine.

Rushy Hide
All 96 Bewick's Swans were in for this morning's feed, with no new arrivals noted despite the cold weather. Two Avocet were amongst the duck.

Estuary Tower
One of the Dark-bellied Brent Geese were with the Canada flock on the Dumbles this morning. The tide was just turning and the bore going past so other geese and the Spoonbill will likely appear towards mid-morning. The Glossy Ibis roosted again with ten Cattle Egret and three Little Egret on the Long Ground Pool, with all birds departing by 8:30am to feed in the roadside fields.

South Lake
Hundreds of Lapwing were roosting on the frozen scrape. The deep lake remains ice free and held 58 Pochard and 105 Tufted Duck.

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