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A dark start

The overnight rain and thick cloud left a very dark start to the morning with a grey and wet outlook for the day ahead. First two Redwing of the season flew over the grounds this morning heading towards the South Lake​.

The overnight rain and thick cloud left a very dark start to the morning with a grey and wet outlook for the day ahead. First two Redwing of the season flew over the grounds this morning heading towards the South Lake.

Kingfisher Hide
The flock of 234 Barnacle Geese were in the Bottom New Piece this morning along with the Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrid. A flock of 18 Lapwing were in the newly ploughed Four Score field.

South Lake
The wader scrape held 178 Black-tailed Godwit, 47 Shoveler, 2 Ruff. On the deep lake were 6 Cormorant and 5 drake Pochard with the Tufted Duck flock and a drake Mandarin was at the duck marsh viewed from the Hogarth Hide.

Zeiss Hide
Smaller numbers of waders now due to the very low high tides we're seeing but still a nice mix to be had including a Greenshank, 90 Dunlin, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 13 Redshank, 299 Lapwing, 19 Snipe, 16 Ruff and 2 Avocet. Duck included 19 Wigeon amongst the 1000+ Teal. Two Cormorant were on the water in front of the Van de Bovenkamp Hide and two Grey Heron were stalking the reedbed.

The Bittern reappeared in the reedbed rides mid-afternoon, and a small flock of 7 Golden Plover dropped in to the scrape.

Rushy Hide
Three Pintail were on the upper pond this morning, whilst on the lower pond were a Black-tailed Godwit, 378 Teal, two Wigeon with the longstaying hybrid and two Shoveler. A Grey Heron was in the meadow at the back of the upper pond.

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