A day for Garganey
At least four Garganey were seen on the duck survey this morning, two males together from the Kingfisher Hide and a pair elsewhere. It has been a busy week for sightings of the species with drakes being seen on nearly every water body at some point.
At least four Garganey were seen this morning on the duck survey, two males together from the Kingfisher Hide and a pair elsewhere. It has been a busy week for sightings of the species too, with drakes being seen on nearly every water body at some point.
Kingfisher Hide
A Cuckoo was singing from the South Finger Extension this morning, at the same time as another male back towards the Visitor Centre around the Decoy. The two drake Garganey were on the Bottom New Piece scrape along with a pair of Teal, 10 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Avocet and 2 Redshank.
Rushy Hide
A second calendar year Mediterranean Gull was on upper pond islands this morning along with a pair of Oystercatcher. On the lower pond were 18 Avocet and 3 Black-tailed Godwit.
Zeiss Hide
The Spoonbill was still present this morning and asleep on the northern end of the scrape. There was good news from one of our volunteers this morning who saw Crane pair Oakie and Sherbert back on the Top New Piece and seemingly building a new nest on a different island. Behaviour suggests that they may have relaid and are now incubating. Waders on the scrape included 55 Black-tailed Godwit, a Common Sandpiper, 27 Avocet, 3 Redshank and a pair of Oystercatcher.
South Lake
The pair of Great Crested Grebe were on the deep lake along with a Little Grebe. The wader scrape held 53 Black-tailed Godwit, an Oystercatcher and 13 Shelduck.