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A few more Bewick's Swans have arrived

A few more new faces on the 'Rushy'

A new Bewick's Swan family have appeared today taking this morning roost/feed count to 58 on site. They have been feeding in the fields during the daytime of late but many have lingered later in the last couple of days.

The last couple of days have seen the reserve experience calm conditions and well above average temperatures, we've noticed an increase in birds back on the site especially waders. As ever the high tide period is the most productive with additional Dunlin coming in from the estuary, at least one Little Stint was visiting the central flood on the Tack Piece yesterday.

The long staying Spoonbill was on the Tack Piece yesterday during the high tide.

Other notable birds include the following.

South Lake

A Brambling was with the Chaffinches at the Hogarth Hide yesterday, this bird is roaming the site and has been noted at the South Finger and Spinney. At least one Chiffchaff has been near Hogarth Hide.The roving Goldfinch flock can be found around the grounds, a few Siskin are among them and at times c30 Chaffinches. The mild weather encouraged two Avocet to return, they were still present this morning. Shoveler, Teal and Lapwing flocks continue to favour the wader scrape.

Tack Piece

A flock of c500 Wigeon and c300 Teal have been present, this morning 34 Pintail were among them. Three Snipe were on the cut islands at Martin Smith Hide.

Top New Piece

The Marsh Harrier has been hunting the area over the last two days, it made a pass this morning but was chased by Jackdaws. Cetti's Warbler and Song Thrush were in the reed bed, flocks of Teal, Pintail (68) and Wigeon (500) were on the flood and lawns.

Bottom New Piece

A flock of at least 14 Ruff with the Dunlin and Lapwing, a few Golden Plover have been dropping in with them. A gathering of Cnada and Barnacle Geese also hosted the feral Ross's Goose and the Snow x Bar-headed Goose hybrid.

*Seasonal Management Work plans*

Please note that the Internal Drainage Board Excavator will be moving to the Bottom New Piece later today to de-silt sections of ditch.

Tractor rush topping (cutting) will take place as well with the tractor moving to the Top New Piece on Tuesday/Wednesday.

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