A few more Green Sandpiper
We've seen a few more Green Sandpiper arrive overnight
We've seen a few more Green Sandpiper arrive overnight
Rushy Hide
A Little-ringed Plover was on the lower pond this morning along with 11 adult and 12 juvenile Avocet, many of which were testing out their wings for the first time with short hops across the mud and water. On the edge of the causeway were two Green Sandpiper and a pair of Oystercatcher.
Robbie Garnett Hide
A Greenshank was on the scrape this morning along with a brood of 7 Shelduck and parents. Two pairs of Oystercatcher were arguing amongst themselves, either running along the shoreline or chasing each other in flight. We've had two pairs seemingly locked in a never ending dispute that have toured the reserve and grounds over the last few weeks - and with the noise you always know where they are!
South Lake
Four Green Sandpiper were on the duck marsh from the Hogarth Hide and a fifth bird on the wader scrape. A Common Sandpiper was also on the duck marsh and a second bird in front of the Discovery Hide. The Black-tailed Godwit flock numbered 103 birds, many of which were close to the Hogarth Hide. A Little-ringed Plover was sat on the nest in the cage and at least one other adult and the three juveniles were also present on the wader scrape. The deep lake held the usual assortment and number of Gadwall, Mallard and Shoveler along with 57 Coot.