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A few more warblers in and on territory

Image- female Eurasian Teal- MJM

Reed and Sedge Warblers have certainly increased this week and along with Blackcap have been very noticeable on site today, it could be that they were here and the strong winds dissuaded attempts at singing or they may be genuine arrivals.

Other sightings today included the following.

Estuary Tower

Whimbrel with 24 Curlew on the Dumbles, 2cy Mediterranean Gull with the feeding Black-headed Gulls, pair of Avocet, a few Teal, Wigeon and Shoveler on the scrape, lots of birds feeding on the flooded Dumbles.

Tack Piece

Eight Redshank, 15 Wigeon, 22 Shoveler, Pochard, 5 Gadwall.

Top New Piece

Nesting Crane, feeding Black-tailed Godwits, 4 Lapwing, non-breeding plumage Oystercatcher, probably a passage bird, lots of Sand Martins feeding over.


Reed Warbler singing in the Matrix + 3 Little Egrets feeding.

Pill Box Pool

Singing Sedge Warbler.


At least 7 Willow Warblers singing around the hides. Kingfisher Hide- singing Sedge Warbler, Lapwing, Redshank and Roe Deer on the Bottom New Piece.

South Finger Reed Beds Viewing Screen

Singing Reed Warbler.

South Lake

Nesting Crane, 3 Mediterranean Gull (two 2cy, one 3cy), 83 Avocet, 4 Oystercatcher, 5 Little Egret, Snow Goose.

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