A flush of godwits
We've seen our Black-tailed Godwit numbers drop over the last few days since the peak on Monday, but this afternoon another wave arrived this afternoon bringing us back up to over 600 birds!
We've seen our Black-tailed Godwit numbers drop over the last few days since the peak on Monday, but this afternoon another wave arrived this afternoon bringing us back up to over 600 birds!
Zeiss Hide
Our Black-tailed Godwits numbers increased to 613 birds this afternoon with many in breeding plumage. Also on the scrape was a drake Garganey, found earlier this morning elsewhere on the duck survey and relocating to the Top New Piece this afternoon. Over the hide tide this morning other birds seen included a Greenshank, 6 Redshank, 16 Dunlin coming in to the scrape, whilst out on the Dumbles over the seawall were at least 5 Whimbrel with 7 Curlew and a pair of Oystercatcher. The Crane remains on the nest, occasionally getting up to have a stretch and a Great White Egret was also seen.
South Lake
A single Little-ringed Plover dropped in briefly before heading off, presumably back to the Rushy where at least one bird was seen most of the day. Also on the wader scrape was a single Ruff amongst the duck and Black-headed Gulls. The deep lake held two pairs of Little Grebe and a pair of Great Crested Grebe. A pair of Oystercatcher were on the causeway.
Holden Walkway
The first Holly Blue butterflies of the year were spotted along the walkway today.
Rushy Hide
A total of 37 Avocet were on the lower pond this morning whilst the Little-ringed Plover and a Common Sandpiper were on the upper pond. At least two singing Sedge Warblers are along the rhine in the hedgerow and a Snipe was feeding along the back shoreline of the lower pond this morning. A Sparrowhawk and a Little Egret were noted flying over late afternoon.