A foggy start

It has been a busy few days on the reserve, with a foggy start to end the week

It has been a busy few days on the reserve, with a foggy start to end the week.

This week's higlights
A Glossy Ibis was found on the Tack Piece on Wednesday, and was later seen on the Top New Piece viewed from the Zeiss Hide. The bird was seen again on Thursday favouring the Top New Piece.

Two Marsh Harriers have been busy this week touring the reserve, frequently passing through the Tack Piece and Top New Piece in search of food. A male and two female Goldeneye were on the South Lake on Thursday, and another three Dark-bellied Brent Geese were seen on the estuary on Friday morning and have now joined our other two birds with the Barnacle Goose flock.

As for today...

The White-fronted Geese were heard in flight in the fog heading towards roadside fields this morning. It is always worth checking here on your arrival to site. The fields can often hold Curlew, Lapwing and Wigeon too.

Kingfisher Hide
Six Gadwall were on the pond this morning. A Brambling was with the Chaffinch flock near the feeders.

Estuary Tower
A foggy start left little to see on the Tack Piece or the Dumbles. A Water Rail was still in the ditch below hide.

South Lake
Two Avocet were on the wader scrape this morning with several hundred Lapwing, 49 Shoveler and the flock of Teal. On the deep lake were a female Goldeneye, 55 Tufted Duck, 24 Pochard, a Common Gull and nine Cormorant.

Willow Hide
A Water Rail was showing well under the feeders again this morning along with a few Teal.

Rushy Hide
The foggy start gave the Bewick's Swans some camoflague this morning but it was possible to make out 56 birds in for the feed, and another four over the hedge on Tack Piece.

A Green Woodpecker was feeding between the aviary and the North America exhibit. A flock of 30+ Chaffinch were near the South Lake Discovery Hide, and three Redpoll flew overhead calling.

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