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A foggy start

The reserve was covered in a thick blanket of fog first thing, but the sun broke through and the area cleared just after 8am

The reserve was covered in a thick blanket of fog first thing, but the sun broke through and the area cleared just after 8am. Visibility and the light were brilliant as the heat-haze had not yet kicked in.

Estuary Tower
A short period of viz-mig (visible migration recording) between 7am and 9am produced another unusal flock of Jay on the move, this time nine birds heading north. We've seen several small flocks moving this week, which appears to be part of a wider spring movement of the species noted in the area including a total of 55 counted at Purton (just south of Slimbridge on the river) on Thursday. Other birds noted on the move included three Skylark, seven Siskin, two Sand Martin, four Goldfinch and four Stock Dove.

A single Bar-tailed Godwit was again with the Curlew roost, which this morning was only ten birds as a departure was noted last night by local birders. Also in the roost were 47 Shelduck, 11 Great Black-backed Gull, two Little Egret and eight Oystercatcher. A lone male Wigeon was on the Dumbles scrape along with 18 Teal, six Shoveler and 28 Avocet. A Wheatear was on the Dumbles near the Middle Point cross fence.

Rushy Hide
A pair of Little Ringed Plover were around the nest, and one of our Cranes was incubating their two eggs that have now been laid. A single Redshank and 17 Avocet were on the lower pond with two Black-tailed Godwit, and a pair of Oystercatcher were on the causeway,

Zeiss Hide
The Great Egret was present again, along with a Little Egret. A total of 35 Avocet were across the area along with an increase in the Black-tailed Godwit flock to 249 birds. Duck included 20 Teal, five Gadwall, nine Tufted Duck and 12 Shoveler. The Glossy Ibis was again feeding here between the Zeiss Hide and Van de Bovenkamp Hide, the Crane pair were at their nesting island, and the reedbed near the hide is filled with singing Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler.

Kingfisher Hide
The male and female Kingfisher were seen this morning, the male entering the nest hole. A small group of 25 Shelduck were on the Four Score field.

South Lake
A total of 52 Avocet were on the wader scrape, with two Oystercatcher on the causeway. The deep lake held a pair of Great Crested Grebe moving around nesting material, seven Gadwall and five Cormorant. A Cetti's Warbler was singing.

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