A grey start
A rather miserable looking morning but a few nice birds around to brighten things up
A rather miserable looking morning but a few nice birds around to brighten things up, including a Garganey on the upper pond islands on the Rushy.
Rushy Hide
A Garganey was on the upper pond islands this morning feeding amongst the Teal. Also on the upper pond was a Little Egret with other birds on the Rushy of note including a Grey Wagtail, 4 Snipe, 23 Gadwall, 94 Teal, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 22 Lapwing, 2 drake Pintail, a Grey Heron and 7 Shoveler.
Middle Point / Summer Walkway
A Wheatear and a Whinchat were on the fence this morning keeping an eye on a hunting Kestrel overhead. Out on the river were 3 Little Egret, 228+ Curlew, 3 Avocet, the Shelduck flock with Spoonbill for company, 2 Grey Heron and a small flock of at least 30+ Dunlin.
South Lake
Birds counted this morning included 38 Redshank, 261 Black-tailed Godwit, 24 Ruff, 4 Little-ringed Plover, 84 Teal, 14 Shoveler, 2 Grey Heron, 3 Snipe, 74 Lapwing, 8 Cormorant and 15 Pied Wagtail.
Zeiss Hide
Birds counted this morning included 3 Grey Heron, 4 Ruff, 2 Dunlin, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 323 Teal, 27 Shoveler, 30 Wigeon, Snipe, 2 Redshank, 5 Yellow Wagtail, 25 Barnacle Geese, 27 Lapwing and 28 Gadwall. There were also 101 Curlew over seawall on the Dumbles.
Kingfisher Hide
A flock of 10 Cranes were in the Four Score field.