A run of White-spotted Bluethroat sightings and our first Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly record
The Bluethroat has been singing well again
We are very pleased to see the male White-spotted Bluethroat continuing to hold territory at Middle Point, we really hope he's able to or has already attracted a mate. Once again today this smart bird has been singing on top of the sticks and reeds and has been viewable from the Shepherds Hut hide.
South Lake
The Black-winged Stilt continues on site, it was on the South Lake with (including chicks) 190 Avocet! Four Green Sandpiper were from Hogarth Hide with 8 Redshank among 79 Black-tailed Godwit and an adult Mediterranean Gull called in. A pair of Little-ringed Plover are nesting with a spare male about as well.
Rushy Hide
Green Sandpiper (lower pond), 106 Gadwall, 19 drake and 6 female Shoveler, 9 adult Avocet and at least three chicks, 4 drake Teal
Top New Piece
Drake Garganey from Zeiss Hide on Top New Piece flood with 23 drake and 15 duck Teal, 8 Gadwall (+ 2 females and broods of 12 and 4). A Great Egret dropped in. A party of 10 Sanderling flew through.
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly
The first record for the reserve was on the Bottom New Piece, found whilst clearing vegetation around pipes, it isn't in an area where we can access due to breeding birds, with any luck it heralds a run of records for the reserve, keep an eye on the dragonfly pools.