A surprise arrival
This morning we watched three White-fronted Geese arrive on the Tack Piece, but all was not as we thought...
This morning we watched three White-fronted Geese arrive on the Tack Piece, but all was not as we thought. The birds were Greenland White-fronted Geese, not the Russian (European) race that we usually see.
The Greenland race birds dropped in and joined a flock five Russian race birds, but were promptly chased off. You can see an great comparison photo from our Guide in the Hide, Tim on his tweet here and the photo collage below. The Greenland race (left) has a longer and heavier looking bill, orange in colour compared to the pink of the Russian (European) race (right). The belly-bars of Greenland race birds tend to be thicker and more extensive, and the overall plumage appears darker.
South Lake
This morning's birds included the Spoonbill, 139 Shoveler, 540 Teal, just seven Black-tailed Godwit, the pair of Great Crested Grebe were still on the deep lake along with three Cormorant, 77 Tufted Duck, five Gadwall and 27 Pochard 27 (25 males and two females).
Estuary Tower
The Dark-bellied Brent Goose was seen briefly in flight before dropping back on to the river. The bird may well join the Canada or Barnacle flocks to graze later so be sure to check through them on the Dumbles. Also noted were a flock of 200+ Dunlin, at least four Grey Plover, nine Red Knot, three Great Egret, four Grey Heron, and the Ross's Goose with 251 Barnacle Geese.
Robbie Garnett Hide
The three Greenland White-fronted Geese and 5 Russian White-fronted Geese were showing well mid-morning. The Greenland race birds arrived at around 8:30am. On the other side of the scrape amongst the Teal were two Spotted Redshank, a Redshank, 320+ Wigeon and three Pintail.
Rushy Hide
Three Bewick's Swans still this morning - Allington, along with pair Babaco & Babato. We may see an arrival later today as news from a local birder near Gloucester reported a flock of nine heading south at 11:25am. We watch and wait for their arrival. Also of note this morning were a Dunlin and a Little Stint were on the causeway, with duck on the upper pond including 50 Pochard, 52 Shelduck and 200+ Tufted Duck.
Zeiss Hide
The three Great Egret were seen this morning before moving out to the estuary. The birds had roosted in the grounds in the Back from the Brink exhibit. Also noted were a Water Rail, 521 Teal, eight Pintail, 200+ Dunlin in a mobile flock moving between here and the estuary along with at least one Little Stint. Another five Russian White-fronted Geese were in the Bottom New Piece before moving to the Dumbles.