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American Golden Plover and Barred Warbler still

The Barred Warbler was still present today, seen in the bushes below the Estuary Tower early morning before relocating to the hedge along the East side of the Pill Box Pool, it was seen from Willow and Knott hides this afternoon. A juvenile American Golden Plover was on the Top New Piece this morning, perhaps the bird from last Sunday or another one? No reports of the Pectoral Sandpiper. The Lesser White-fronted Goose was still with the Canada Geese on the Dumbles, there have been sightings of this species with Canada Geese in Wiltshire and Yorkshire in the summer so it may well be one of the same birds.

Other sightings as follows with an update from the last few days as well.

Sunday 15 October

Top New Piece- 2 Little Grebe on the fleet to S of Zeiss Hide. A juvenile American Golden Plover from Zeiss Hide at 09: 45am to late morning when it flew out to the estuary plus+ Curlew Sandpiper, 196 Dunlin and 34 European Golden Plover.

South Lake- 162 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Ruff, 5 Snipe, single Avocet, 3 Pochard, c80 Tufted Duck, 200+ Teal.

Kingfisher Hide- Garganey along the fleet with Teal, Shoveler, Gadwall and 2 Little Grebe.

Middle Point- flock of small waders roosting on flotsam in the heat haze, 20 Pintail, 2 Grey Plover, 17 GBB Gull, 136 Shelduck, 5 Little and 1 Great Egret, 34 Curlew, 10 Wigeon, 5 Cormorant on the Dumbles edge over the tide.

Tack Piece- 179 Wigeon among the Teal plus a few Shoveler.

Estuary Tower- the over summering Pink-footed Goose was among the Canada Geese down toward the cross fence as well as the Greylag Goose with the white-font face pattern and two large white doemstic cross geese, the two Barnacle x Canada, Snow x Bar-headed Goose were with the Barnacle Geese as was the Ross's Goose.

Rushy Hide - two Green Sandpiper roosted, 3 Spotted Redshank, 4 Redshank, Black-tailed Godwit, 26 Shelduck among the Teal.

General - two Marsh Harriers on site today, a male and juvenile.


Saturday 14 October

Rushy Hide- 6 Spotted Redshank, 6 Redshank, 300 Teal, 5 Pintail, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Snipe and a Grey Wagtail.

South Lake- adult Mediterranean Gull,

Estuary Tower- Barred Warbler, 30 Curlew, 15 Great Black-backed Gull, 5 Little Egret, 58 Lapwing, 5 Crane, Ross’s Goose in the Barnacle flock, Chiffchaff, Redshank, Peregrine Falcon also a juvenile Hen Harrier through and the summering Pink-footed Goose. An adult Lesser White-fronted Goose of unknown origin was with the Canada Geese.

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide - juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper, lots of Water Rail calling, 9 Ruff, 439 Teal and Peregrine.

Kingfisher Hide - 14 Gadwall, 4 Shoveler, Little Grebe, on the Bottom New Piece - Marsh Harrier 1, 2 Roe Deer, 2 Curlew (one with White flag on Left Leg and Blue ring on Right Leg), and Grey Heron.

South Lake- 140 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Ruff, 6 Pintail, 120 Teal, 48 Gadwall, 16 Shoveler, 12 Cormorant, 60 Tufted Duck and 4 Pochard.


Friday 13 October

Estuary Tower - a male Hen Harrier through this afternoon also 2 Great White Egret, c350 Golden Plover in very windy conditions. 5 Little Egret on Dumbles, single Grey Plover with 500+ small waders along riverbank over high tide, also 26 Curlew, 23 Great Black-backed Gull, Merlin hunting and perching on posts, 17 Pintail on river.

South Lake - Garganey from Hogarth Hide, three adult Mediterranean Gulls,

Tack Piece-Robbie Garnett Hide - Wigeon increased again, now 194 birds here today amongst several hundred Teal, also 4 Curlew and single Pintail.


Thursday 12 October

Estuary Tower - 21 Whooper Swans on the Dumbles in the afternoon.

South Lake- juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper.

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