An arrival of Sedge Warblers?
This morning the reserve is full of bird song, with what feels like an arrival of Sedge Warblers overnight.
This morning the reserve is full of bird song, with what feels like an arrival of Sedge Warbler overnight. The species was already present in good numbers over the last week or two, but now they can be heard almost everywhere around the reserve pointing to a fresh influx of birds since yesterday.
Summer Walkway / Middle Point
Another big tide this morning, just shy of the 10m mark but sadly fewer birds on the estuary. At least two Whimbrel were on the Dumbles with the Curlew, and three Redshank were on the scrape in front of the tower. Two Red Kite drifted over mid morning. When you reach the Shepherd's Hut listen out for Grasshopper Warblers - two were heard reeling this morning.
Along the fence line at Middle Point were at least two Whinchat and a Wheatear. Don't forget to look and listen along the hedgerow too, next to the path, as at least two Lesser Whitethroat were singing here this morning. Several Yellow Wagtails are with the cattle in the Tack Piece.
Estuary Tower roof terrace
The first Lapwing chicks of the year are on the Dumbles, reasonably close to the hide. A steady stream of hirdundines continues along the seawall with Swallow, House Martin and Sand Martin all noted. Two Little Egret were stalking the ditch along the Tack Piece hedge and the last seven Wigeon were on the Tack Piece scrape.
A pair of Cranes were on the Dumbles this morning, Monty & Evie, who are yet to settle down on a territory. To the north two other Cranes could be seen feeding in the arable field.
Rushy viewing slots
The pair of Little Ringed Plover are present again this morning, the male frequently performing the energtic and noisey display flight. The Oystercatcher pair are now incubating on the causeway between the upper and lower pond, whilst the Avocet pairs are also starting to nest build and there may now be some incubating. Two Common Sandpiper are around the islands of the upper pond.
Safari Trailer
A flock of 29 Black-tailed Godwit were on the Top New Piece this morning along with several Lapwing and a pair of Redshank.