An influx of wind-hovers
We've seen an increase in the number of Kestrel on the reserve in recent days, presumably a locally fledged brood now exploring the big wide world
We've seen an increase in the number of Kestrel on the reserve in recent days, presumably a locally fledged brood now exploring the big wide world. Their old country name is a wind-hover, after the ability to hang in the air in search of prey.
Middle Point
Two breeding plumage Red Knot and a Grey Plover were on the estuary this morning, straight out from Middle Point.
Zeiss Hide
A rather quiet Top New Piece this morning with a flock of 80 Lapwing on the cut field areas. A couple of Shoveler and a few Gadwall and Teal were feeding around the margins.
A Kingfisher was hunting in the pools near the Caribbean and Greater Flamingo pens.
South Lake
Two juvenile Little Ringed Plover, and 213 Black-tailed Godwit were on a slightly wetter wader scrape this morning, along with a single Redshank, and two male Ruff. The Crane pair were feeding near the Hogarth Hide with the one remaining but now well-grown chick. An adult and juvenile Grey Wagtail were on the edge of the deep lake, and in the back corner were a newly hatched brood of five Tufted Ducklings.
Around lunchtime, the two Spoonbill from the Rushy were present on the South Lake, along with the unknown juvenile Shelduck, possibly a Cape Shelduck or a hybrid.
Estuary Tower
A flock of 23 Dunlin could be seen on the mudflats this morning from the hide, along with a Little Egret and 14 Curlew. At least four Kestrel were hunting fields to the north, and a Marsh Harrier was quartering the Top New Piece to the south. Five Little Egret were sheltering in the reedbed around the Pillbox Pool, and on the muddy margins were a Yellow Wagtail and a Green Sandpiper. Another Little Egret and a Grey Heron were on the Long Ground Pool.
Rushy Hide
Very birdy here this morning with two Spoonbill, a flock of 189 Black-tailed Godwit, plus two Spotted Redshank, four Green Sandpiper, 21 Redshank, an Oystercatcher, nine Teal, six male Ruff, and the long-staying injured Avocet.