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And still they come

Another day with a seemingly continual movement of Redwing and a few Fieldfare overhead

Another day with a seemingly continual movement of Redwing and a few Fieldfare overhead.

Kingfisher Hide
Five Ruff were with a flock of aroun 300 Lapwing on the Bottom New Piece this morning. Five Roe Deer were in the ploughed Four Score field.

Estuary Tower
Three White-fronted Geese were on the Dumbles first thing, initially unclear if all were new arrivals or a single bird joining yesterday's pair. Later it was confirmed that five birds were present. There were at least 40 Great Black-backed Gulls in roost plus 79 Shelduck on the mudflats as the tide dropped.

Rushy Hide
The Curlew Sandpiper was again on lower pond this morning along with also two juvenile Spotted Redshank each with a Redshank for comparison. Also noted were two Snipe, five Pochard, four Shelduck plus a few Pintail and Teal, a Grey Heron and a Little Egret.

Zeiss Hide
A Goshawk flew thru this morning causing a brief panic amongst the duck and waders. They settled again and counts included 594 Teal, five Black-tailed Godwit, 84 Lapwing, 39 Golden Plover, 171 Wigeon, 17 Redshank, two Ruff and 19 Dunlin. The Great White Egret was chased off by a Grey Heron and a Water Rail was in the reedbed below the hide.

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