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Another big tide

Another big tide filled the estuary again this morning, a little higher than yesterday's.

Another big tide filled the estuary again this morning, a little higher than yesterday's.

Estuary Tower
Before the tide swept across the Dumbles hundred of birds were feeding through the floodwater, including an adult Mediterranean Gull with the Black-headed and Common Gulls. Also present were 80 Wigeon, 8 Redshank and a pair of Avocet. As the estuary filled up a roost of 162 Curlew formed in the Tack Piece, with the whole flock of 127 White-fronted Geese (including the two Greenland race birds) moving here from the Ox Piece. Later the two Pink-footed Geese were reported with the White-fronted Geese this afternoon.

Willow Hide
The Water Rail was under the feeders again this morning, with two Reed Bunting on the feeders above. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was also seen.

Zeiss Hide
A solitary unringed Crane was in the Bottom New Piece this morning, having flown in past the Estuary Tower. We're not sure which bird this is as usually the only unringed bird we have here is with a ringed bird, Ruby, and she is nowhere to be seen. Could this bird be a new arrival? As the tide filled the estuary the high tide roost formed on the Top New Piece and held 35 Black-tailed Godwit (including a colour ringed bird), 21 Redshank and 18 Dunlin. Also present were 178 Wigeon and pair of Little Grebe near Van de Bovenkamp Hide.

South Lake
The female Goldeneye was showing well on the deep lake this morning. Flocks of 508 Black-tailed Godwit and 82 Avocet were on the wader scrape, along with 53 Shoveler, two pairs of Wigeon and a Kingfisher flew past.

Kingfisher Hide
The female Kingfisher was sat in the morning sunshine. The male was heard calling occasionally, possibly from inside the nest hole. A pair of Gadwall and a pair of Little Grebe were on the pond, and a Cetti's Warbler was singing nearby. A Water Rail was calling from the South Finger Reedbed.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A very quiet Tack Piece to start the day with 79 Wigeon, 8 Redshank and 193 Barnacle Geese present. More birds arrived to roost as the high tide flooded the Dumbles, including 162 Curlew.

Duck numbers are continuing to drop with just 18 Tufted Duck, 25 Pintail, four Pochard and 21 Shelduck counted with the Mallard. A single Avocet and three Black-tailed Godwit were on the lower pond.

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