Another Caspian Gull candidate
There was no sign of the Caspian Gull that visited yesterday but a different bird showing features of Caspian Gull was present late morning to early afternoon at least. Around 50 Herring, 9 Common, 7 Lesser Black-backed and two second calendar year Mediterranean Gulls joined the Black-headed Gulls.
Other sightings included
South Lake
A pair of Little-ringed Plover visiting the north causeway at the Discovery Hide, seen nest scraping and another male arrived to start a chase! The Green Sandpiper fed on the new beach over lunchtime, really close views until it left for the Rushy. A pair of Great Crested Grebe
Estuary Tower
Over high tide this morning, a single Whimbrel, 3 Curlew, a few Dunlin (called in on the scrape briefly), Peregrine, 12+ Skylarks and 8+ Lapwing were on the Dumbles.
Tack Piece
Drake Pintail, groups of Teal, Gadwall, Shelduck and Shoveler + Black-tailed Godwits and a few Avocets.
South Finger/Kingfisher Hide
Lots of singing Sedge and Reed Warblers, Chiffchaff and Blackcaps. A Red Kite was seen in the dead willows on the Bottom New Piece late morning.
Top New Piece
Two Glossy Ibis early morning with one remaining through the day, a Great Egret and Little Egret, Kingfisher, 2 Ruff, 140+ Black-tailed Godwit, a female Marsh Harrier late morning, a single Dunlin, three Snipe as well as 40+ Avocet, Teal, Shoveler, two Crane and two Buzzard (mobbed the Marsh Harrier).
Rushy Hide
The pair of Little-ringed Plovers and Cranes on their nests, at least two Avocets on nests, Redshank, Teal, Gadwall, Shoveler and Wigeon, dispalying Shelducks.
Late news
Two Spoonbill were on the Tack Piece early