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Another increase in Dunlin

1738 Dunlin were counted mid-morning today, we suspect that we may actually have an even higher number. The Bottom New Piece was attracted a flock of 1483 over the high tide period. The wet end to last week and further rain has created perfect conditions for the waders and wildfowl.

Rushy Hide

167 Pochard at dawn but they were very nervous and flew off at the feed, the Pochard x Ferruginous hybrid male was with them. The Pochard moved to the Long Ground Pool and Top New Piece fleet. Over 100 Bewick's Swans and 100+ Pintail met the feed. At dawn many of the Bewick's Swans and Pochard were feeding in the flood puddles at the back of the field. The flcoks spent the day on the Tack Piece and were reluctant to come back in in the afternoon.

Martin Smith Hide

The Jack and 5 Common Snipe were present today.

Tack Piece

Plenty of Wigeon and Teal fed on the grass and in the increasing floods, smaller numbers of Pintail, Shelduck and Shoveler joined them. At least 18 Redshank, 47 Black-tailed Godwit, 142 Curlew, 175 Dunlin and 13+ Ruff joined the Lapwing and Golden Plovers. The E. White-fronted Geese intially fed in the Ox Piece but moved to the Tack Piece during the middle of the day. At times 1000+ Starling fed with the waders, over 2000 were seen in the road fields first thing.

Holden Tower

The Linnet flock was seen in the distance but never visited the scrape long enough to see if the Twite was present. A Peregrine was on the cross fence and a single Barnacle Goose fed in the distant saltmarsh hollow with Shelducks, this lone bird hasn't (as far as we know) joined the flock of 240+ that prefer the pasture, it probably arrived during the cold snap the previous weekend. A few Skylark fed around the Dumbles scrape.

South Lake

Now six Avocet present with 23 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 Ruff and 7 Snipe among the Lapwing. 69 Shelduck were at the roost first thing. Two Great Crested Grebe were on the deep lake.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

947 Golden Plover included a ringed bird (white darvic above right and red right below). We couldn't read the alpha numeric code but it seems to be from the Mid Wales Ringing Group project. 1000+ Lapwing and 60 Snipe joined the 900+ Wigeon on the flood and field. Cetti's Warbler called in the reeds.

Kingfisher Hide

Very busy with waders, Ruff, Redshank, Lapwing and Golden Plover with 1483 Dunlin feeding on the puddled field.

Spinney Wood

Two Treecreeper again today.

Grounds/Car Park

Singing Blackbird, Greenfinches, Song Thrush and Chaffinch today.

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