Another Lapwing surprise
A new brood of Lapwing was discovered on the Dumbles scrape today which was encouraging, we're not sure where this pair nested but with tall grass all around it could easily have been nearby. The Lapwing broods on the Dumbles and Dumbles saltmarsh continue to do well despite a soaking this weekend, broods of 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2 and two more pairs of adults protecting hidden young bodes well in this area. Last week we checked on the Bottom New Piece where two pairs were defending young and we hope that some of the families on Top New Piece have survived. Many of these youngsters are close to flying, we wait with baited breath as we can then count our 'chickens'.
Other sightings today as follows..
Kingfisher Hide
Lots of great Cuckoo activity as the females wait for nest occupiers to leave befroe dumping and egg, males were singing all day. Two Cranes and two Roe Deer were in the field and the Kingfishers did show at times before midday.
Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece
The Spoonbill was seen again today. Plenty of Avocet activity, at least 45 Gadwall gathering to moult, some post-breeding Lapwing flocking up and a few other duck species were present including a brood of Shelduck. The godwits spent the day here. A juvenile Black-headed Gull had newly fledged and made it to here presumably from South Lake.
South Lake
Early morning the Black-tailed Godwit flock numbered 54 but flew off to the TNP for the day, at least one Little-ringed Plover was on the mud with 8 Avocet. A Mediterranean Gull was among the Black-headed Gulls which had a few juveniles viewable in the colony.
Tack Piece
Two escaped/released Bar-headed Geese and the presumed Snow x Bar-headed Goose were with the Barnacle Geese.
Dumbles from Summer Walkway view point
The pair of Curlew were still in the long grass, no young seen but they were hidden and quite rightly so. The Dumbles scrape is viewable distantly from here and still holds broods of 1,1,2,2,2 Avocets.
Middle Point
2 Little Egret, 35 Curlew over high tide with 10 Dunlin and 12 Ringed Plover about too.
Rushy Hide
Up to three Mediterranean Gull among the loafing Black-headed Gulls. A family of four Avocet chicks were along the shoreline, we should many more hatching over the next week or so as at least 15 nests are know to be present.