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Another still September day

The high pressure is keeping things settled here, clear sunny days make for good light and viewing.

Rushy Hide

A couple fo Dunlin were unusual here today and were joined by 2 Snipe, 13 Black-tailed Godwit, 94 Teal and a juvenile Garganey on the lower pond. Small parties of Gadwall were among the Greylags on the Top Pond.

Robbie Garnett Hide

The adult Spotted Redshank continues to visit with 8 Black-tailed Godwit and a party of Teal.

Willow/Knott Hide

Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs join the common passerines in the bushes.

South Lake

A juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit remains on site and was well hidden among the 232 Black-tailed Godwit flock. 12 Ruff, 19 Redshank + 8 Cormorant, 12 Shoveler, 6 Pied Wagtail and 2 Cranes.

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

17 Ruff, 1 Avocet, Grey Heron, 5 Yellow Wagtail, flocks of Teal and Lapwing, 40 Wigeon, 3 Pintail, 1 Snipe.

Middle Point

35 Goldfinch, 18 Linnet, Kestrel, 4 Yellow Wagtail and a few Chiffchaff calling in the summer walkway hedge.

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