Another warm one
Temperatures this morning were already high as the morning rounds started
Rushy Hide
The lower pond held 13 adult Avocet this morning along with at least 10 chicks. A small flock of 5 Black-tailed Godwit were flying around, occasionally dropping in only to be moved on by the nearest Avocet. The upper pond held 2 Green Sandpiper on the island and a Mediterranean Gull was on flat roof of Scott House.
Zeiss Hide
A flock of 123 Black-tailed Godwit were on the Top New Piece this morning along with 42 Avocet along with 2 chicks, 42 Teal, a pair of Oystercatcher, a Green Sandpiper, 46 Redshank, a Ruff, 9 Dunlin and 13 Shoveler. The Avocet numbers increased to 96 adults by mid-morning.
South Lake
Two pairs of Avocet were on the wader scrape along with 69 Black-tailed Godwit, 13 Redshank and 4 Oystercatcher. One of the Black-tailed Godwit was colour ringed with an initial enquiry suggesting the bird was caught and ringed in Iceland at some point since 2013. We await more details. The pair of Little-ringed Plover were at the nest cage, a second-calendar year Mediterranean Gull was amongst the Black-headed Gull flock, and there were several flypasts from Kingfisher on fishing trips to feed the brood at the nearby nest site. The deep lake held 127 Gadwall, a Pochard, a Little Grebe and chick and 3 Cormorant.
Kingfisher Hide
Both parents continue to visit the nest bank to feed their family.