Another Wood Sandpiper
A Wood Sandpiper was found on the Top New Piece this morning, viewed from the Zeiss Hide.
A Wood Sandpiper was found on the Top New Piece this morning, viewed from the Zeiss Hide. The bird may have been present yesterday, but too distant to confirm. One of our farmers is taking a hay cut from the Bottom New Piece today. We've made sure the Crane family are safely out of the way first.
Zeiss Hide
Along with the Wood Sandpiper other birds this morning included three Redshank, 104 Black-tailed Godwit, 79 Avocet, five Little-ringed Plover, four Common Sandpiper, 34 Dunlin, four male Ruff and a reeve and 123 Lapwing. High tide pushed in the Spotted Redshank, which then disappeared but reappeared mid-afternoon. A Marsh Harrier drifted over the Bottom New Piece mid-morning.
South Lake
A flock of 80 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape this morning along with four male Ruff, the pair of nesting Little-ringed Plover, an impressive 55 Redshank, ten Avocet, three Oystercatcher, 46 Gadwall and the hybrid Wigeon, 7 Tufted Duck and four Pochard. The very hungry and agressrive Great Crested Grebe chick was chasing the adult around the deep lake this morning, begging for food and attacking any duck that came near it.
Robbie Garnett Hide
A very quiet Tack Piece this morning with just two Green Sandpiper and a Reed Warbler singing in reeds in front of hide.
Rushy Hide
Birds counted this morning included three Green Sandpiper, three Redshank, two Black-tailed Godwit, a single Pintail, four Avocet and two Tufted Duck. Listen out for the Reed Warbler singing by Pond Zone as you leave the hide.