April delivers the coldest night since January.
The cold night certainly seemed to have an impact on the breeding/territorial activity around the reserve, the Black-headed Gulls abandoned interest in the colony, Lapwings and Avocets formed 'winter' flocks again and ice covered much of the shallow waters of the reserve, it thawed rapidly so the breeding season activity should return soon.
Notable sightings today included the following
South Lake
What was initially thought to be an adult breeding plumage Mediterranean Gull may well have been a second summer, some good flight pictures were taken showing a few feint black feathers in the primaries, this bird was calling to Black-headed Gulls this morning and has been seen in flight over the site during the afternoon. The ice drove many birds out but 20 Avocets, 4 Oystercatcher, a female Goldeneye plus small numbers of Teal, Tufted Duck and Shoveler were still to be seen.
Top New Piece
A pair of Cranes, the adult/near adult Spoonbill, a Glossy Ibis feeding and roosting (another seen flying over later headed North), 46+ Avocet, + numbers of Black-tailed Godwit, Lapwing, Shoveler, Shelduck and Teal were on the flood and field.
Rushy Hide
Plenty of frozen water following the cold night, 20 huddled Avocet, 2 Black-tailed Godwit and 2 Oystercatcher. A pair of Little-ringed Plover were nest scraping.
Martin Smith Hide
Two Snipe.
Duck Decoy
Three Little Egret roosted, a Water Rail was showing from the boardwalk.
Tack Piece
69 Shoveler, 6 Avocet, 1 Redshank + Gadwall, Wigeon, Shelduck and Teal.
Estuary Tower
Two Peregrine, 34 Curlew,a few Golden Plover, Ringed Plover and 20 Dunlin over high tide. 36 Canada Geese on the saltmarsh.
Kingfisher Hide
The Kingfishers were still attending the nest hole today.