August WeBS and a new addition to the reserve list
Late news for yesterday includes our first ever Southern Migrant Hawker (Blue-eyed Hawker) seen in a ditch on the afternoon Wild Safari.
Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS)
6 Little Grebe
7 Cormorant
19 Little Egret- high tide roost on estuary
10 Grey Heron
Spoonbill- spartina island and Dumbles over high tide
91 Mute Swan
428 Greylag Geese
190 Canada Geese
2 Mandarin- Top New Piece on fleet
109 Shelduck (96 fledged juveniles!)
123 Gadwall
151 Teal
742 Mallard
28 Shoveler
1 Pochard
45 Tufted Duck
92 Moorhen
118 Coot
76 Avocet
5 Oystercatcher
221 Lapwing
8 Little-ringed Plover + chick
3 Ringed Plover- two on TNP ( Top New Piece) over the tide
176 Curlew- high tide roost
326 Black-tailed Godwit
1 Turnstone- estuary on rising tide
1 Knot-estuary
11 Ruff- 10 on South Lake
1 Sanderling- estuary
87 Dunlin- 62 on TNP over high tide
1 Little Stint- TNP over high tide
1 Common Sandpiper
9 Green Sandpiper
42 Redshank
4 Snipe
4 Common Tern
The moulting adult female Marsh Harrier is still about as well as 5+ Kestrel.