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Avocets arrive in force

Avocets increase on the South Lake, some company for the White-rumped Sandpiper.

So far this year we had milder periods of winter weather which have allowed Avocet numbers to build up, prior to today the peak count was 26 but it seems likely that some birds are stopping over on their way further North. Yesterday we had eight of these elegant birds on site, today the count has jumped to 43. The South Lake is the favoured spot at the moment but we did note a party of 13 on the Severn last week.

Other sightings and highlights included

Estuary Tower

Over high tide- adult Mediterranean Gull with 40 Black-headed and 7 GBB Gulls, 47 Curlew, 8 Oystercatcher, 165 Pintail, 2 Peregrine, 52 Shelduck, Ross's and Snow Goose with Barnacle/Canada Geese and 120 Wigeon.

South Lake

The first winter White-rumped Sandpiper was present all day, an increase to 43 Avocet, 265 Lapwing, 172 Dunlin, 5 Snipe, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 94 Shoveler (most of them in pairs) + Cormorants, Gadwall, Pochard and Tufted Ducks, drumming Great spotted Woodpecker.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

The drake Greater Scaup and 87 Bewick's Swans remained on the upper pond, it seems that some Bewick's Swan have departed!

Tack Piece

14 Curlew, 2 Redshank, 40 Shoveler, 36 Shelduck, 4 Pintail, 400 Wigeon.

Top New Piece

31 Shelduck, 6 Pintail, GBB Gull, 165 Golden Plover (see image).

Bottom New Piece

960 Golden Plover, 500 Lapwing and 300+ Dunlin.

Four Score Ground from Kingfisher Hide

176 Russian White-fronted Geese but some moving to Bottom New Piece.

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