Barn Owl hunting Dumbles
A Barn Owl was hunting the Lower Dumbles this morning, seen from the Estuary Tower
A Barn Owl was hunting the Lower Dumbles this morning, seen from the Estuary Tower, to the south of the cross fence (archive photo above).
Estuary Tower
A brief 'vismig' watch from the roof terrace produced ten Skylark, seven Pied Wagtail, five Chaffinch, two Meadow Pipit and singles of Starling, Redwing and Reed Bunting. The Barn Owl was hunting over the Lower Dumbles, beyond the cross fence and along the seawall to the south of the hide. Out on the estuary at least two Grey Plover were visible with the Curlew.
Zeiss Hide
A flock of 23 Ruff were on the Top New Piece along with 16 Golden Plover, 42 Black-tailed Godwit, three Wigeon, two Pintail and 180 Teal.
South Lake
Three Ruff were on the wader scrape along with 96 Black-tailed Godwit and two Avocet. A small flock of 20 Tufted Duck and two drake Pochard were on the deep lake along with four Cormorant and a Grey Heron.
Robbie Garnett Hide
On the Tack Piece this morning were 218 Teal, three Black-tailed Godwit, 78 Wigeon and three Shoveler.
Rushy Hide
On the lower pond this morning were two Redshank, two Ruff, a single Black-tailed Godwit, four Shelduck, 62 Teal and the long-staying injured Avocet.