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Please note: Estuary Tower lift is currently out of order and Sloane Tower lift is limited to travel between 1st & 2nd floors. Our otters are currently not viewable from their main exhibit due to maintenance on the boardwalk, but can still be seen from their house. Apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.


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Bewick's swan arrival and recent sightings

On Sunday the 3rd of November the first 2 Bewick's Swans joined us again after their long migration.

Keep up to date as the Bewick's swans arrive through the winter months by checking the Bewick's Blog: Winter 2024/2025. The first pair to arrive have been identified as Primero and Piquet.

Below are a few sightings from the past few days:

Friday the 1st November


25 Pochard, 22 Pintail, 61 Tufted, 6 Snipe, 2 Spotted Redshank, 1 Redshank and a Grey Wagtail.

Robbie Garnett Hide

111 Wigeon, 15 Redshank, 2 Spotted Redshank, 79 Teal, 16 Shoveler, 269 Lapwing, 7 Curlew, 1 Cetti’s, 4 White Fronted goose, 199 Greylag goose, 16 Canada Goose.

Estuary Tower

On the scrape – 210 Wigeon, 256 Teal

Dumbles – 91 Barnacle Goose plus Ross’s and hybrid, 1 Black swan

On the Estuary – 288 Pintail, 29 Great black-backed gulls and 45 Wigeon.

Zeiss Hide

Great white egret, 139 Shoveler, 379 Teal, 15 Black-tailed Godwit, a Cettis, and a Bittern showed briefly in the scrapes cut into the reedbed in the afternoon.

Kingfisher Hide

36 Gadwall, Long-tailed tit flock very active, 3 Roe Deer and 6 Snipe in the Four Score. Zeiss Hide.

South Lake

80 Black-tailed Godwit, 26 Dunlin, 4 Ruff, 4 Spotted Redshank, 21 Snipe, a Spoonbill, 272 Teal, 128 Tufted duck 5 Pochard, and a Great crested grebe.

Saturday the 2nd November

Estuary Tower

On the Dumbles there was a probable juvenile White-rumped Sandpiper sighted as well as possibly more than one Bearded Tit and Brambling overhead.

Discovery Hide

475 Teal, 64 Shoveler, 2 Shelduck,9 Cormorant, 1 Great crested grebe, 72 tufted duck, 2 Spotted Redshank, 10 Dunlin, 61 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Ruff, 6 Redshank, 9 snipe, 2 Cattle egrets and a Spoonbill.

Through the Grounds

Cetti’s warbler, one on either side of the path trying to out-sing one another.

Firecrest with tit flock in willows just before the start of the Estuary walkway.

Kingfisher Hide

1 Little Grebe, 6 Shoveler, 12 Gadwall, 1 Water Rail, and Cetti’s warbler were heard.

Zeiss Hide

1 Great Egret, 430 Teal, 8 Black-tailed Godwit, 103 Shoveler, 5 Redshank, 7 Ruff, 3 Lapwing, 24 Greylag geese and 3 Canada geese.

Tack Piece

At least 9 Cattle Egret with cattle from Robbie Garnet Hide behind group of White-fronted geese.

Sunday the 3rd November

Estuary Tower

2 Grey Plover north with c40 Dunlin past Middle Point. Little Stint with the Dunlin on the Dumbles scrape, 7 Brent geese, and 14 Cranes.

Kingfisher Hide

40 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler, Cetti’s singing, 4 Lapwing on the field, and 2 Little Grebe.

Discovery Hide

46 Dunlin, 6 Snipe, 3 Spotted Redshank, 1 Great-crested grebe, 68 Tufted duck, and 4 Black-tailed Godwit after the lake got flushed, a large group of Teal too.

Tack Piece

From Robbie Garnet hide 14 Redshank, 2 Ruff, Wigeon flock with Shovelers. Kingfisher in front of the Martin Smith Hide too.

Rushy Hide

2 Snipe, 1 Spotted Redshank with a few Common Redshank. Increasing numbers of Pochard, Pintail, and Tufted duck plus Mallard, Shelduck, and Teal.

Monday the 4th November

Estuary Tower

In the morning there was a Spoonbill, c300 Wigeon grazing around the scrape, c200 Dunlin around the flash’s, a Ross’s was with the Barnacle Geese and 17 White-fronted geese and a Pink-footed goose too.

Kingfisher Hide

2 Great egret, 33 Gadwall, 4 Shoveler, 6 Canada geese, 5 Curlew and 2 Little grebe.

Discovery Hide

56 Black-tailed Godwit, 134 Dunlin, 2 Spot Red, Ruff, 2 Snipe, 200 c Lapwing, 44 Tufted duck, 1 Great crested grebe and 429 Teal. A White-rumped Sandpiper was among the Dunlin too!

Tack Piece from Robbie Garnett Hide

24 Curlew, 16 Redshank, 1 Spotted Redshank. A possible Firecrest in with Tit flock among the willow saplings on the left as you walk to Tower.

Towards the end of the day a Goshawk flew over the Tack Piece towards the Peng Observatory.

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