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Big tides weekend

Ahead of a weekend of big tides we've moved the Shepherd's Hut on to the top of the seawall, just in case

Ahead of a weekend of big tides we've moved the Shepherd's Hut on to the top of the seawall, just in case.

Forecasts for the weekend are Saturday 10m at 9:49am, Sunday 10.3m at 10:33am (estimated times and heights from My Tide Times app). The tide should peak Sunday night at 10.7m, remaining above 10m through Monday and dropping from Tuesday onwards.

Rushy Hide
Birds on the lower pond this morning included a Green Sandpiper, 84 Teal, 28 Lapwing, 3 Shoveler, a Black-tailed Godwit and 31 Gadwall. At least 10 Snipe were dotted around the upper pond and lower pond islands and a Grey Wagtail was on the overflow in front of the hide.

Zeiss Hide
A flock of 7 Greenshank came in over the high tide this morning along with 25 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Ruff (2 juveniles), 4 Redshank and 30 Avocet. Two Snipe were also seen along with duck including at least 1 Garganey, 460 Teal, 10 Pintail, 3 Wigeon and 19 Shoveler.

South Lake
This morning the wader scrape held 211 Teal, 23 Shoveler, 58 Lapwing, 30 Gadwall, 284 Black-tailed Godwit, 14 Ruff and 28 Redshank, whilst the deep lake held 10 Cormorant, a Little Grebe and 26 Tufted Duck.

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