Bittern back at Zeiss Hide
Our volunteers found a Bittern in the reedbed from the Zeiss Hide this morning
Our volunteers found a Bittern in the reedbed from the Zeiss Hide this morning. The bird was accompanied by a Great Egret who would follow the Bittern along the shoreline. An eclipse drake Garganey was also sleeping nearby.
Middle Point
A Spoonbill was seen on the estuary this morning, initially to the north end before moving south closer to the viewing point. At least 109 Curlew were on the mudflat, including four colour-ringed birds. A pair of Crane were on the mudflats to the south of Middle Point, along with two Great Egret, eight Little Egret, eight Grey Heron, four juvenile Avocet, an unringed Barnacle Goose, an Oystercatcher, a creche of juvenile Shelduck and 251 Rook!
South Lake
The juvenile Crane is nearly ready to fledge and is taking test flights around the wader scrape and duck marsh. It won't be long before the family is airbourne. A flock of 191 Black-tailed Godwit were on the wader scrape including three colour-ringed birds, a brood of three Shelduck, 49 Teal, five drake Pochard were on the deep lake, at least ten Green Sandpiper were noted along with 15 Redshank, two male Ruff, 113 Lapwing (including two juveniles), an Oystercatcher and a Yellow Wagtail.
Rushy Hide
The three Spotted Redshank were with 12 Redshank and a Black-tailed Godwit on the lower pond this morning. Also noted were two Green Sandpiper, four male Ruff, an Oystercatcher and a brood of Mallard.
Zeiss Hide
Along with the Bittern and Great Egret this morning, the eclipse drake Garganey was amongst the Gadwall creche, and also on the Top New Piece were 117 Lapwing, two Shoveler, two Grey Heron and a Kingfisher.