Bitterns again
The Zeiss Hide continued to offer great Bittern watching today, a little patience rewarded those that have allowed the time to watch them out in the open or managed to spot them in their favourite habitat. It can be hard to see them when they are deep in the reed bed but although it was a grey day, it was still and calm which makes it easier to see movement.
Other highlights included
Rushy Hide
20 Bewick's Swans arrived back by late afternoon, eight were on the Dumbles and the rest on the Severn estuary this afternoon, one has taken to visiting the Big Pen.
Tack Piece
Fairly busy at times today, 95 Curlew and 12 Ruff, 15 Redshank the pick of the waders among the Lapwing flocks today. At least two Buzzard, a few Blackbirds, Fieldfare and Redwing were in the hedges. Around 200 Wigeon and 70 Teal fed on the flood or nearby 'lawns'.
Car Park
Singing Song Thrush this morning, indication of next year's breeding season.
Withy Bed/Willow and Knott Hide
Two Chiffchaff (collybitta), a few Water Rails and Cetti's Warbler.
Estuary Tower
Flocks of Lapwing, Golden Plover, Snipe (up to 80 in flight) and Dunlin all noted in the murky conditions with flocks of Canad and Barnacle Geese late aftenoon. Other highlights included a Short-eared owl at 3.40pm and 5+ Cranes. Mistle Thrush and Linnets were also noted in the nearby trees and hedges.
South Lake
Many of the wader moved out to other areas for the day but a few Snipe remained. 130+ Shoveler, 70 Pochard, 60 Tufted Duck plus Mallard, Gadwall and Teal on view. A Stonechat passed through using the taller vegeation to look out for insects.
Zeiss Hide
5 Redshank, 10 Snipe, 400+ Black-tailed Godwit, 700 Teal and a scattering of other duck species as well as the Bitterns.
Kingfisher Hide/Bottom New Piece
The 8 Pink-footed Geese, 40+ White-fronted Geese, 2 released/escaped Bar-headed geese were with the Barnacle, Greylag and Canada Geese. Flocks of Lapwing and Dunlin fed on the fields.