Black-necked Grebe on the South Lake
The reserve's fourth record of Black-necked Grebe
South Lake
A juvenile Black-necked Grebe was a surprise discovery for late June, our three previous records came in April (three on the Severn, date not yet found) and singles from 9-18 September 2008 and 21 October 2001.
The lake and scrapes also hosted 30+ Black-tailed Godwit, 22 Redshank, three bickering Little Grebes, 3 drake Pochard, 44 Gadwall, 1 female and to male Teal, pair of Shoveler, female Wigeon + the Chiloe Wigeon hybrid male, a Little Egret, two Green Sandpiper, 5 Oystercatcher, 102+ Avocet, 24 Lapwing which included two fully fledged juveniles. The Black-headed Gull colony is now fledging a number of young.
A pair of Common Tern fished here on and off during the day, two Green Sandpiper, two pairs of Little-ringed Plover, one with two chicks, a few Lapwing and the Oystercatcher family as well as a few broods of Avocet. A large flock of 70 Gadwall was joined by a drake Teal, 26 Shelduck and a few Tufted Duck. Broods of Mallard (3 or 4), Tufted Duck (brood of 2 and 6) and Shelduck (brood of 4) were also feeding.A few juvenile Black-headed Gulls were among 62 adults.
Tack Piece
Three Green Sandpiper and a couple of Lapwing plus the Ross's Goose with the Barnacle Geese.
Top New Piece
Three Garganey among the increasing flock of 39 Teal, 8 Shoveler, 4 Gadwall, a Green Sandpiper, 21 Lapwing and single Redshank and Oystercatcher. Broods each of Tufted Duck (6) and Shelduck (4).
Middle Point
Grasshopper heard and seen despite the strong winds, 111 Curlew on the (low tide) mudflats with 42 Sheldcuk and 2 Oystercatcher.
Estuary Tower
Pair of Avocet with two young on the scrape + Pied Wagtail.
Pill Box Pool
Two juvenile Little Grebe.