Black Tern still here
The juvenile Black Tern was back on the South Lake this morning, having briefly been seen on the Rushy first thing.
The juvenile Black Tern was back on the South Lake this morning, having briefly been seen on the Rushy first thing. The adult Spotted Redshank was also here this morning.
The next phase of habitat creation work is getting underway along the Summer Walkway and along the edge of the Tack Piece. Whilst we have machinery on site the Summer Walkway and sections of the Holden Walkway (including hides) may be closed for short periods of time. Keep an eye on our Twitter feed here for the latest updates. The work includes the creation of several new ponds and ditches, plus an extension to the Tack Piece scrape.
Zeiss Hide
Two Garganey were hidden amongst the flock of 936 Teal this morning, one bird quite close to the hide near the small gravel island to the north, and the second bird further out to the south. Also present were 3 Greenshank, 12 Wigeon, 154 Lapwing, an Avocet, 8 Snipe, a single Golden Plover, 3 Ruff, 7 Redshank and 9 Shoveler. At least 8 Yellow Wagtail were foraging in the newly cut grass across the field along with 197 Starling.
South Lake
The juvenile Black Tern was again over the deep lake from the Discovery Hide. The bird made a brief appearance first thing on the Rushy before moving back here. On the wader scrape were the adult Spotted Redshank, 232 Black-tailed Godwit, 15 Redshank, 26 Herring Gull and several hundred Teal. The deep lake also held 2 Pochard and 8 Cormorant.
Rushy Hide
A Garganey was also on the lower pond giving us at least three birds on the reserve today. Also noted were a Green Sandpiper, 11 Gadwall, 199 Teal, 4 Wigeon, 2 Snipe and a Pintail. A Sparrowhawk passed through causing a brief moment of panic.