Bluethroat and Glossy Ibis
Middle Point
The male Bluethroat was seen briefly at 08.20am. Also Reed Buntings, a Sedge Warbler, Kestrel and 3 Great Spotted Woodpeckers.
Image courtesy of Paul Taylor via Twitter.
Four Greenshank, 4 Ruff, 7 Blackwit with 150 Teal.
Tack Piece
Two Ruff 2 and 87 Teal.
Top New Piece
Immature Glossy Ibis was feeding on the scrape but moved to the Dumbles, Great White Egret, 2 Grey Heron, 4 Ruff, 12 Lapwing, flock of small waders Dunlin/Ringed Plover trying to settle with a juvenile Little Stint among them.
Bottom New Piece
Ross's Goose with the Barnacle Geese
The Dumbles saltmarsh
The Glossy Ibis moved here and joined the immature Spoonbill, 10 Little Egret, 53 Ringed Plover, c100 Dunlin, 2 Sanderling (10+ at low tide), 80+ Curlew, 2 Greenshank, 2 Oystercatcher, 3 Avocet, 13 Pintail, 7 Ruff + the Shelduck/gull roost as the tide rose, some birds headed for the Top New Piece.
The Dumbles
13 Yellow Wagtail on the southern cross fence + Wheatear and a few Yellow Wagtail at Middle Point/Tack Piece + Wheatear on seawall N of Shepherds Hut Hide, up to 4 Cranes.
South Lake
Super bunch of 26 Ruff in all sexes and plumages and ages also 91 Blackwit, 231 Teal, 42 Shoveler and 2 Pochard + a Curlew.