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Bluethroat seen again

After a quiet week of no reported sightings, the White-spotted Bluethroat was seen again this morning

After a quiet week of no reported sightings, the White-spotted Bluethroat was seen again this morning.

Middle Point / Summer Walkway
As well as the Bluethroat which showed briefly on the reeds to the left of the path, the Grasshopper Warbler was reeling continuously. Look out for butterflies on the Summer Walkway - good numbers of Meadow Brown, Ringlet and Marbled White are now on the wing here.

Rushy Hide
The Little Ringed Plover pair still have two chicks this morning, growing well and now starting to grow their juvenile feathers and appear to have spikey tails. The second pair of Little Ringed Plover are still on the nest too in their protective cage. Also of note were two Green Sandpiper, 11 adult Avocet with six chicks and a drake Teal. A pair of Common Tern continue to prospect the upper pond islands.

Estuary Tower
At least 49 Curlew were on the river through heat haze this morning along with an Oystercatcher, 81 Shelduck and two Grey Heron. A pair of Wigeon were on the Long Ground Pool as were a brood of Tufted Duck.

South Lake
The Little Ringed Plover pair here are also on a nest in their protective cage at the back of the wader scrape. The area also held our remaining Avocets with young, a flock of 46 Black-tailed Godwit, four Green Sandpiper, six Teal, three Oystercatcher and three Redshank. Over the causeway on the deep lake were five Little Grebe, 37 Tufted Duck, 47 Coot and 65 Gadwall plus a female with a brood.

Zeiss Hide
Two Wood Sandpiper were on the Top New Piece this morning with other waders including 22 Redshank including four fledged juveniles, the male Ruff, a Little Ringed Plover, 13 Black-tailed Godwit and an Oystercatcher. A new arrival was a hybrid Ruddy Shelduck, with other birds of note including a Little Egret and Great Egret, drake Garganey entering eclipse plumage, a Little Grebe and a brood of Tufted Duck.

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