Busy nesting Swallows

Several pairs of Swallow have already completed their first brood, and are now busy setting up nests for their second

Several pairs of Swallow have already completed their first brood, and are now busy setting up nests for their second. Look out for nesting pairs at the Duck Hut (next to the Visitor Centre) and in the Pillbox along the Summer Walkway.

Zeiss Hide
A Greenshank was on the Top New Piece this morning along with two Redshank, a male Ruff, single Oystercatcher and 89 Lapwing. An adult Mediterranean Gull was with the Black-headed Gull flock.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Two Green Sandpiper were on the Tack Piece this morning along with three Grey Heron, two Little Egret and an Oystercatcher. Reed Warblers are busy in the reeds in front of the hide, and a Buzzard flew through

Summer Walkway / Middle Point
Five Swallow were feeding along the walkway, presumably the nesting pair from the Pillbox and the fledged youngsters from their first brood. From the Shepherd's Hut looking inland, a pair of Common Crane with their chick were on the Ox Piece field. From Middle Point as the tide rose were 247 Curlew in the roost, including at least two head-started birds (colour-ringed), a colour-flagged bird from the WWT project in the Severn & Avon Vale, and three other colour-ringed birds. Also of note were 151 Shelduck, 24 Avocet, four Redshank, two Cormorant and three Little Egret.

South Lake
The Black-tailed Godwit flock has moved between the Rushy and South Lake all morning, with 88 present here on the wader scrape first thing, increasing to 214 birds later in the morning. A single breeding plumage Red Knot and a small party of Dunlin are also following them. Remaining on the wader scrape at South Lake were two Spotted Redshank, 38 Redshank, 3 Oystercatcher, 20 Dunlin, 12 male Ruff and a Green Sandpiper. A Common Gull was with the Black-headed Gull flock.

Rushy Hide
The breeding plumage Red Knot was with 176 Black-tailed Godwit and 6 Dunlin on lower pond before moving to the South Lake. A Grey Heron and four Little Egret were roosting, and a Green Sandpiper was also on the lower pond.

Estuary Tower
Another three Little Egret were roosting on the Long Ground Pool, with a fourth bird stalking the reedbed on the Pillbox Pool. The Curlew roost was visible from the hide through the heat haze, and a Marsh Harrier drifted north.

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