Calm before the storm
Some wet and windy weather is forecast for the weekend, but we're bathed in sunshine today
Some wet and windy weather is forecast for the weekend, but we're bathed in sunshine today.
Estuary Tower
Out on the Dumbles were a pair of Cranes, a Peregrine, 500+ Wigeon around the scrape, 386 Canada Geese, along with a Spoonbill and Great Egret on the estuary. The Ross's Goose was withth Barnacle Goose flock. Over on the Long Ground Pool were 21 Teal, 13 Shoveler, nine Shelduck and four Tufted Duck
Robbie Garnett Hide / Stephen Kirk Hide
The Tack Piece is looking more and more wintery with counts this morning including several hundred Wigeon and Teal, ten Curlew, ten Redshank, a single Snipe, 22 Shoveler, 700+ Lapwing, a flock of 30 Dunlin and 69 Golden Plover.
Willow Hide
Eight Teal were under the feeders this mornig along with a Water Rail.
Martin Smith Hide
Duck this morning included 18 Teal and two Wigeon, plus views out across the Tack Piece to the main winter flocks.
Rushy Hide
Our 45 Bewick's Swans were present this morning along with 76 Pochard, 65 Pintail, a drake Mandarin, 178 Lapwing, six Wigeon, a single Redshank, two Black-tailed Godwit, 92 Teal, four Snipe and lone Avocet.
South Lake
Counts this morning included 65 Teal, 38 Shoveler, two Great Crested Grebe, nine Cormorant, 24 Tufted Duck, 16 Pochard, a Grey Heron, five Shelduck and 22 Lapwing. A contractor is working nearby so some disturbance is possible.
Zeiss Hide
On the Top New Piece this morning were 147 Dunlin, 53 Golden Plover, 57 Lapwing, 180 Wigeon, 130 Teal and a Great Egret. The White-fronted Goose flock were over the hedge in the Bottom New Piece and included 83 Russian and three Greenland race birds.