Caspian Tern and Pectoral Sandpiper on the Top New Piece today
The hottest day of the year so far produced a few notable sightings
Sweltering heat added additional pressure to the water shortage, evaporation rates are very high. It was very difficult to stay outside in the direct sun but some respite was available. Our hides and tree line paths offered some relief, it is possible to wander about the trails and largely stay under cover. It was 36oC in the shade by early afternoon.
A few surprises were on offer today...
Top New Piece
The mud is still attracting wader species, our first Pectoral Sandpiper of the year kept company with three Green Sandpipers in the SW shore of the flood but walked along and under cover of the rushes where it couldn't be seen. At least 40 Dunlin, 112 Lapwing, 6 Redshank and 6 Little-ringed Plover were also present. The 'Pec' would've been bird fo the day but it was eclipsed by the arrival of a Caspian Tern, this bird has been rovinf the upper reaches of the Severn for a week or more so it was great to see it visit the reserve. Dozens of Reed Warblers are feeding young and a Yellow Wagtail was on the islands here. Two Garganey remained on the flood with the Teal (also seen yesterday).
South Lake
Spot of the day was a male Lesser Emperor Dragonfly, it was patrolling the deep lake with Small Red-eyed Damselflies and Brown Hawker also seen. The two Spotted Redshank, 10 Ruff, 200 Black-tailed Godwit and 50 Redshank continued to appreciate the wet mud and shallow water we have just about been to offer. The deep lake was busy with ducks and Coot. The pair of Cranes still have a chick.
Middle Point
Two immature Spoonbills at low tide as well as the Curlews, Black-headed Gulls, Shelducks and Little Egrets.
Yesterday Greenshank, Common Sandpiper and 3 Sanderling were seen.
Tack Piece
14 Green Sandpiper (at least 22 on site today, no sign of any Wood Sandpipers that were reported but a few spotty Greens are now in).
Rushy Hide
The adult Spoonbill that was seen flying past Middle Point and on the Top New Piece flood yesterday spent some time here as well as 5 Green Sandpiper, Avocet and a couple of Lapwing.