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Lots of Shovelers

Lots of Shovelers

South Lake An impressive 184 Shoveler here this morning and a good selection of waders with Black Tailed Godwit 52, Ruff 17, Dunlin 45 the single oystercatcher and a handfull of Snipe. Most impressive though was around 700 very noisy and flighty Lapwings

29 December 2018

Singing stormcocks

Singing stormcocks

A calm morning with a hint of Spring in the air with a few singing Mistle Thrush around the reserve.  Also known as a 'stormcock', they are one of the first to start claiming their territory for the breeding season ahead.  Despite not even making it to

27 December 2018

Boxing Day birding

Boxing Day birding

The Bewick's Swans were again at 92 birds this morning, including all four families with cygnets.  Another adult dropped in shortly after the feed, a male known as Shoon (pictured) who has been visiting for around 8 years. South Lake At least 27 Pochard

26 December 2018

Christmas Eve sightings

Christmas Eve sightings

Rushy Hide At least 81 Bewick's Swans present at dawn, good numbers of duck also present but the Pochard and Tufted Duck have been rather nervous, many moving to the South Lake and Long Ground Pool. Two Redshank and 10 Snipe present with large congregati

24 December 2018

Todays Sightings 22nd December

Todays Sightings 22nd December

Rushy Bewick's Swan 90 overnight Teal 70 Lapwing 400 looking great in flight Snipe 1 along left edge of lower pool. Redshank 1 Grey Wagtail 1 close views in front of hide. Martin Smith Pools Some great close up birding here, the Jack Snipe was showing wel

22 December 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

Robbie Garnett Hide 81 Pintail, 17 Redshank, 21 Curlew, 66 Golden Plover, 4 Shoveler, 600+ Lapwing. . Holden Tower Water Rail in copse, Mistle Thrush by Pillbox, 2 Peregrine sat on cross fence. . South Lake Hides 51 Shoveler, 150+ Teal all roosting near

20 December 2018

Which way first?

Which way first?

Recent visitors to the reserve have probably asked themselves the same question when they arrive - 'which way first?'.  The Tack Piece is currently playing host to 3000+ birds, increasing further when the Golden Plover flock drop in.  Meanwhile at the o

19 December 2018

The next storm

The next storm

It was a rather windy start this morning with rain moving in too. Robbie Garnett Hide Several hundred Wigeon and Teal plus Pintail and Shoveler. At least 5 Redshank amongst the duck and 52 Curlew feeding near the Wigeon. . South Lake Hides 78 Pochard, 55

18 December 2018

Today's sightings

Today's sightings

There is still a bit of a chill in the air but things are definitely a bit warmer than of late.  A couple of new Bewick's Swans were on the Rushy this morning with at least 82 birds on the reserve today in total. Don't forget to check out our Wild Winter

17 December 2018

A good day for Water Rails

A good day for Water Rails

South Lake The Discovery Hide is a good place to catch up with a variety of gull species although Great Black-backed Gull (pictured with fish remains) isn't too regular a visitor, this species is often found on the Top New Piece or Dumbles or on the Sev

16 December 2018

More Bewick`s and Whitefront`s

More Bewick`s and Whitefront`s

Rushy A steady arrival of new Bewick`s Swans over the past two days and again last night. At least 82 on site including a new family with one youngster. Still some lingering ice so top pond very busy with Tufted Duck 210, Pochard 21, Pintail 51 and Teal 9

15 December 2018

Close to 100

Close to 100

There has definitely been an increase in the White-fronted Goose flock over the last couple of days with 97 birds counted this morning in the north of the reserve, so fingers crossed there are some hiding in the south to take us into three-figures. Holden

14 December 2018

More White-fronts

More White-fronts

A chill in the air and an easterly(ish) airflow has bought some arrivals this morning with White-fronted Geese increasing to either 78 birds or maybe 89, with a flock of 11 seen flying in over the river and landing on the Tack Piece after this morning's c

13 December 2018

Monday sightings

Monday sightings

Holden Tower The Great Skua was seen on the estuary again today. At least 10 Cranes and two Peregrine were also present on the Dumbles. 10 Redwing and 25 Fieldfare flew from the hedges this morning with Reed Bunting also in the same area. The Barnacle Gee

10 December 2018

Bonxie alert!

Bonxie alert!

A Great Skua (or Bonxie) flew through the Top New Piece and passed very close to the Zeiss Hide this morning. It flushed all the birds on the flood and field and the Great Black-backed Gull roost as it headed back out. It was relocated off Frampton on S

9 December 2018