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Centre reopen for the weekend

The Visitor Centre and reserve will be reopen again this weekend as normal, but please observe any signage as you pass through the roadworks in the village.

The Visitor Centre and reserve will be reopen again this weekend as normal, but please observe any signage as you pass through the roadworks in the village.

Over the last couple of days we've seen a slight increase in the number of wintering duck arriving including Teal, Wigeon and Pintail.

Thursday 10th October
Today's highlights included a flock of 64 Knot on the South Lake amongst the Black-tailed Godwit flock. A Spotted Redshank was heard in flight over the Rushy and a small number of Swallows continue to pass through. Several of our Cranes are now feeding in fields to the west of the village off Lightenbrook Lane, look out for them in flight as you approach the reserve. A colour ringed Ruff was on the Top New Piece but a little too far to read the rings, so definitely one to watch out for - please let us know if you see this bird.

Teal numbers are now fast approaching 1800 birds on the reserve with Pintail and Wigeon slower to increase with around 15 and 150 birds respectively. With the low high tides few Dunlin and other small waders have been coming to the Zeiss Hide, although the tides are increasing again for the weekend so we should see some birds start to be pushed in again.

Friday 11th October
A wet and blustery day with many birds taking shelter. A flock of 237 Black-tailed Godwit were on the South Lake. High tide saw birds lift off the river but settle on the floodwater on the Dumbles instead of the Zeiss Hide. The Top New Piece held a single Greenshank, 9 Ruff, 17 Redshank and 2 Little Egret for the roost. Teal numbers were also down with only 668 birds present, not helped by two Marsh Harriers patrolling the Dumbles, seawall and New Piece fields.

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