Checking the roost
The tide this morning peaked around 9am, with birds coming in to roost on the Top New Piece but many of the larger waders staying out on the river.
The tide this morning peaked around 9am, with birds coming in to roost on the Top New Piece but many of the larger waders staying out on the river.
Middle Point
As the tide was rising around 270+ Curlew and a Whimbrel were on the mud before being forced up to roost on the Dumbles. Also noted this morning were a single Knot, a small mixed flock Ringed Plover and Dunlin, 2 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper. The Spoonbill was roosting on the spartina island with 3 Little Egret whilst on the Dumbles were 2 Raven, a Peregrine, a Hobby, 2 Buzzard and a Wheatear on Dumbles. Later over high tide 6 Turnstone were seen and a flock of 30 Knot flew in from the north, circled and then headed back up river.
Rushy Hide
A single Snipe was feeding on the islands of the upper pond, whilst on the lower pond were 5 Green Sandpiper and a Little-ringed Plover.
Zeiss Hide
Birds coming in to roost over the high tide included 2 Sanderling, a Knot, 10 Redshank, 2 Greenshank, 2 Ruff, 127 Lapwing, 5 Ringed Plover, 183 Dunlin and 66 Avocet.