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Common Scoter on the Severn

A first summer male Common Scoter was on the Severn late morning.

Middle Point

Three Spoonbills, four Sanderling, 2 Little Stint, 353 Ringed Plover, 27 Dunlin, adult Turnstone, 3 Knot and Whimbrel among the Curlew. The Grey Partridge was seen again.

Knott Hide

Juvenile Water Rail on the Pill Box Pool again.

Rushy Hide

Three Spotted Redshank, 126 Black-tailed Godwit, 6 male Ruff, Great Egret, 2 Green Sandpiper. Tack Piece- 2 Spoonbill but flew off, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Snipe, 3 Snipe

Top New Piece

15 Ruff (includes adult reeve and non-breeding plumage male, otherwise all juveniles), Snipe, juvenile Wood Sandpiper, 4 Green Sandpiper, 4 Black-tailed Godwit on the flood, Little Grebe with a chick and 2 eclipse drake Garganey on the fleet among the ducks.

South Lake

Eleven Cattle Egret, 7 Ruff, 8 Redshank, 56 Black-tailed Godwit, adult Mediterranean Gull among the birds present.

PM Wild Safari

Marsh Harrier, Sparrowhawk , Buzzard, Hobby, Great White Egret, Crane, 3 Roe Dear and 2 Grass Snakes.

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