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Crane chick continues to grow

Down at the Kingfisher Hide our Crane chick continues to grow well, although it was a little soggy this morning walking through the wet grass.

Down at the Kingfisher Hide our Crane chick continues to grow well, although it was a little soggy this morning walking through the wet grass.

Zeiss Hide
Birds on the Top New Piece this morning included seven Redshank, six adult Avocet with four juveniles and a single chick, three Black-tailed Godwit, at least three Little-ringed Plover, 25 Dunlin, four male Ruff and a reeve along with 13 Gadwall and five Little Egret. Over high tide the breeding plumage Spotted Redshank arrived along with a Ringed Plover, three Knot and the Dunlin increasing to 31 birds.

Kingfisher Hide
The Crane chick was showing well this morning in Bottom New Piece with parents. The Kingfisher pair have continued to feed chicks in the nest.

South Lake
The wader scrape held two adult Avocet and creche of eight juveniles, 34 Black-tailed Godwit, 23 Redshank, 102 adult and 28 fledged juvenile Black-headed Gull, a male Ruff, a pair of nesting Little-ringed Plover and a juvenile Common Sandpiper. The deep lake held a female Shoveler with a fledged brood of 6 juveniles. Also present were an adult Great Crested Grebe and Little Grebe plus 77 Gadwall and a female Pochard. This afternoon an additional female and male Pochard arrived.

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