Cranes getting going
Several of our Crane pairs are now starting to defend their breeding territories again, with juveniles cast out and some other visiting birds around adding to the story
Several of our Crane pairs are now starting to defend their breeding territories again, with juveniles cast out and some other visiting birds around adding to the story.
Crane update
Breeding pair Wendy & Albert are now back on territory, without their juvenile in tow. We have a very mature juvenile now feeding with other birds on the Dumbles, which may well be their chick from last year or that from nearby pair Phelps & Elizabeth Royal. We haven't seen this latter pair recently as they're either at the very north end of the reserve, or over the canal in nearby fields. We don't yet know if they've chased off their juvenile from last year.
Another pair have chased off their juvenile, Kia & Chocolo. This pair bred on the Rushy last year, but today were seen investigating the new nesting islands we've created for them nearby. Hopefully the pair settle here to breed. They were seen to fly off after a lone juvenile flew into the area this morning, possibly to chase it off. A fourth pair who bred last year, Ruby and the unringed partner have also cast out their juvenile.
Aside from these birds, two other pairs from the Great Crane Project are also back on the reserve - Oakie & Sherbert who breed on the Top New Piece but sadly lost both their chicks, and Monty & Evie who have yet to really settle down but did lay eggs last year on the Dumbles.
We also have at least three other unringed adults on the reserve at present. We'll have to wait and see how the breeding season unfolds and whether this unringed pair stay to breed, or whether the other unringed adult attracts the attention of one of our pairs and we see a partner swap. Only time will tell...
Other sightings news from today includes...
Zeiss Hide
A flock of 263 Wigeon were around the reed-lined edges of the Top New Piece channel which runs from the Zeiss Hide to the Van de Bovenkamp Hide / Kingfisher Hide direction. A few Teal were also present. A flock of 17 White-fronted Geese flew past and out towards the river, with another 14 birds on the Bottom New Piece. Two Avocet and an Oystercatcher were on the Top New Piece, with a combined count of 559 Black-tailed Godwit split between two flocks. Amongst the godwit were six Ruff, and four male Lapwing are also displaying here.
Robbie Garnett Hide
A Marsh Harrier was over the Tack Piece this morning. The wind was keeping most of the birds in roost allowing a thorough count of 591 Wigeon, eight Pintail, 29 Shoveler, 19 Redshank, two Snipe, 26 Curlew and 105 Barnacle Geese.
South Lake
A flock of 81 Avocet were noted this morning on the wader scrape, and a pair of Little Grebe on the deep lake. Other counts included 70 Shoveler, 15 Cormorant and eight Common Gull. A Cattle Egret was seen mid-morning.
Estuary Tower
Ten Cranes were noted this morning including three unringed adults and three juveniles with two pairs of colour-ringed GCP birds. A count of 207 Shelduck was made from the estuary.
Rushy Hide
The last seven Bewick's Swans were present again this morning. Also of note were a drake Mandarin, seven Pochard, 40 Shelduck and 78 Pintail. Two Avocet dropped in mid-morning.