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Discovery Hide update- work on hold until later this week

The contractors that are due in to replace the Discovery Hide windows have pushed back the start date until 'later' this week.

Sightings for today as follows

South Lake

260 Lapwing, 6 Avocet, 5 Oystercatcher, 32 Pochard + Shoveler, Teal and Tufted Ducks among the birds present.

Top New Piece

120 Lapwing, 402 Teal, 52 Shelduck, 47 Shoveler, 33 Pintail, 222 Wigeon, 204 Black-tailed Godwit, Oystercatcher, Ruff and Water Rail

Rushy Hide

Single Whooper Swan remained for the feed with 100+ Bewick's Swans. Spotted Redshank and 2 Oystercatcher

Tack Piece

Great Egret, leucistic Lapwing among 1000+ Lapwing, 1940 Golden Plover, 950 Wigeon, 100+ Teal, 10+ Ruff, 20+ Redshank and 20+ Curlew. 223 Russian White-fronted and the single Barnacle and Snow Goose roosted. Two Cetti's Warbler calling below Robbie Garnett Hide.

Estuary Tower

Ringed Plover with the Dunlin flock, juvenile Dark-bellied Brent on the Lower Dumbles, 1000+ Dunlin and the Little Stint, 440 Lapwing, Ross's Goose and the hybrid Geese, 150+ Pintail on the Severn

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