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A number of species are beginning to display and show interest in nest sites

Following on from yesterdays Lapwings we had Avocets standing over potential nest sites and Oystercatchers pivoting on possible places to lay, displaying Greenfinches joined the singing Mistle and Song Thrushes for attention. A few Coot have constructed nests.

Otherwise it was still winter with regard to sightings...

Estuary Tower

160 Russian White-fronted Geese gritting on the sands with 2 Pink-footed Geese + another 18, 9 and 15 White-fronted Geese were seen flying in that direction from Tin Shed Ground taking the tally to 202, the DB Brent, 3 Snow Geese + Ross's and Snow X Bar-headed Goose with Barnacle and Canada Geese + 2 Peregrine and a few Ravens were also seen. 90 Wigeon on Pill Box Pool with another 70 on the Dumbles.

Top New Piece

The female Merlin was back, 420 Wigeon included the leucistic female, Water Rail, 10 Avocet, 20 Black-tailed Godwit, 70 Dunlin, Peregrine attacking a Buzzard, 27 Pintail, 32 Teal and singing Song Thrush and Reed Bunting, c200 Golden Plover over but in fear of the Peregrine.

South Lake

Adult (display noted) and 2nd winter Mediterranean Gulls with a few Common and 110+ Black-headed Gulls, 2 Wigeon, 93+ Shoveler, 4 Gadwall, 23 Pochard, 48 Avocet, 67 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Oystercatcher and three Goldeneye, a juvenile female Goshawk passed through.

Duck Decoy

Chiffchaff feeding near the boardwalk.

Bottom New Piece

Lapwing on territory, a few were displaying about the reserve yesterday with pairs of Avocets and Oystercatcher also showing signs of nest site interest.


Mistle Thrush singing from the tallest trees + Greenfinch displaying, Siskin and Lesser Redpolls feeding in Alders with Goldfinches and Chaffinches but mobile.

Glossy Ibis still feeding in entrance road fields near the canal at 07:30am, it was on the South side. Please use the car parks.

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