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Double Ibis

Glossy Ibis

Our regular wintering Glossy Ibis settled in a routine after giving everyone the runaround for a few weeks, it favours the roadside fields near to the canal and has visited this area daily since before Christmas. In recent days speculation that a second bird was about was proven when both were seen at the same time although not directly in each others company. This morning the regular bird was in the usual spot with presumably the second seen on the Top New Piece not too long after. It was feeding with Wigeon and Black-tailed Godwits on the lawn near to Van de Bovenkamp hide and was still present at lunchtime. They are sure to find each other at the communal roost site assuming the new bird chooses to be sociable.

Picture by Lisa Presland.

Tack Piece

A variety of duck species on the scrape, the majority were Shoveler (43) with three drake Pintail + an Avocet.

Estuary Tower

Sixteen Golden Plover, eight Ringed Plover, a Grey Plover, 16 Dunlin over high tide, 36 Curlew feeding on the Dumbles, a Pied Wagtail, a pair of Oystercatcher and a few Teal, Shoveler and Shelduck on the scrape, 4 Great Black-Backed Gulls on the shore with a few Common and Herring Gull feeding as the tide flooded.

Top New Piece

Glossy Ibis feeding with 27 Wigeon and 20 Black-tailed Godwit on the lawn adjacent to the Van de Bovenkamp Hide, two pairs of Redshank, 10 Lapwing, 54 Avocet, a pair of Cranes, single Little-ringed Plover calling on the islands, 8 Teal and a few Gadwall and Tufted Duck.

South Lake

A second summer (3rd calendar year) Mediterannean Gull displaying to Black-headed Gulls, single Common Gull, 40 Avocet, 2 pairs of Oystercatcher, a Little-ringed Plover, 35+ Black-tailed Godwit + a few Teal and Shoveler with the Great Crested Grebe on the deep lake.

Duck Decoy

Singing Willow Warbler, Stock Dove, 3 Blackcaps and 3 Chiffchaffs + Little Egret, Tufted Ducks and Shovelers.

Canoe Trail

Great White Egret fishing in the channels

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